Program Edukasi dan Nutrisi untuk Pencegahan Stunting Tahun 2024 di Desa Salo Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar
Education, Nutrition, Stunting PreventionAbstract
This community service activity aims to provide knowledge and understanding of the Education and Nutrition Program for Stunting Prevention in Salo Village, Salo District, Kampar Regency. The activity was carried out at the Salo Village Hall, Salo District, Kampar Regency, with 21 community service participants. The method of implementing community service was carried out using lectures, discussions and questions and answers. The results of implementing community service activities were that community service participants had understood the material provided, community service participants knew the program for stunting prevention and knew the nutrition needed to prevent stunting. Community service participants enthusiastically participated in the activity as shown by the active participation of the participants in questions and answers and the participants' understanding of the material provided. This activity gave a good assessment because it had an impact and was beneficial for stunting prevention and community knowledge regarding stunting prevention in Salo Village, Salo District, Kampar RegencyReferences
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