A Review of Profit Allocation Models for the Participants in a Supply Chain
Models, Profit allocation, Reviews, Supply chainAbstract
The stability and sustainability of a supply chain system can be affected by the allocation or distribution of profits to its members. Several studies have investigated this issue and proposed various quantitative models. However, no study has summarized the progress and findings of these studies. This study presents a review of the profit allocation models in supply chains. Specifically, this study aimed to identify the factors considered, the most widely used approaches or methods in model development, and research gaps for future research directions. This study applied a literature review of 53 articles were collected and reviewed. The study found that the three factors most widely considered in the studies were the level of risk faced, the resources or investments owned, and the bargaining power of supply chain participants. Cooperative games, together with the Shapley value, are the most widely used approaches or methods for model development. Several research gaps were identified, namely model development based on case studies in real supply chains involving more actors, the use of simulation approaches, and supply chain systems that consider sustainability.
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