About the Journal
About the Journal:
Proceeding Of the International Conference on Economic and Social Sciences (ICESS) is a scientific Proceeding published by the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences UIN Suska Riau. ICESS will be published 1 (one) time a year. Articles be written English. articles are original research results with a maximum plagiarism of 30%. The submitted article must meet the assessment criteria and be by the instructions and templates provided by ICESS. ICESS is registered in the National Library with Number International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) Online: xxxx-xxxx.
In general, the focus and scope of the Proceeding Of the International Conference on Economic and Social Sciences (ICESS) can include various topics related to society, business, and economics. These can range from theoritical to empirical research in areas such as finance, accounting, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, international business, and corporate governance. The journal may also cover interdisciplinary topics such as social and environmental responsibility, sustainable development, Public policy, Technology Innovation, Public administration, business administration and business ethics.
Journal Title | : International Conference on Economic and Social Sciences |
Initials | : ICESS |
Frequency | : 1 Issues a year |
E-ISSN | : 3032-517X |
Editor in Chief | : Desrir Miftah |
DOI Prefix | : 10.5285 |
Publisher | : Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences |
Accreditation | : Google Scholar, International Copernicus, Garuda |
Current Issue
Navigating the Future Challenges in Literacy: Islamic Economics, Business, and Public Policy Perspective,