The Role of Supply Chain Agility in Competitive Advantage: A Dynamic Capabilities Theory Approach
Supply chain agility, competitive advantage, dynamic capabilitiesAbstract
The textile and textile products (TPT) sector in Indonesia is currently facing a downturn in performance and a decline in its competitive standing relative to other nations. Research indicates that while supply chain agility does not have a direct effect on the competitive advantage of garment SMEs in Pekalongan, it does have a significant impact when mediated by resilience capability. The study focuses on owners of garment SMEs located in the Pekalongan region, utilizing purposive sampling as the method for selecting participants. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is employed for data analysis. The findings reveal that hypotheses H1 and H3 lack support, given their P-values exceed 0.05, while H2 receives support with a P-value of 0.090, which is below the significance threshold of 0.1. Furthermore, hypotheses H4 and H5 are confirmed with P-values lower than 0.01. In terms of mediation effects, H6 is supported with a P-value of 0.046, whereas H7 and H8 do not hold, as their P-values are above 0.05. Overall, the results imply that although supply chain agility does not directly enhance the competitive advantage of garment SMEs in Pekalongan, it significantly contributes to this advantage when mediated by resilience capability, indicating that the relationship between supply chain agility and competitive advantage is fully mediated.
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