Digital Triggers: How Flash Sales, Live Streaming, and Free Shipping Fuel Impulse Buying of Pinkflash Cosmetics Among Gen Z
Flash Sale, Live Streaming, Free Shipping, Impulse BuyingAbstract
This study sought to ascertain the impact of flash sales, live streaming, and free shipping on impulsive purchases of Pinkflash cosmetic goods at Shopee. Generation Z residents of Pekanbaru who have bought Pinkflash items from Shopee in the past year make up the study's population. A Google Forms questionnaire was employed as part of the data collection method. Using the purposive sampling technique, the study's sample size was 100 respondents. This study's data analysis is quantitative and makes use of multiple linear regression techniques. Based on the research results obtained, it shows that the partial test results of the flash sale variable have a positive and significant effect on impulse buying. The live streaming and free shipping variables partially has no effect on impulse buying. Based on the results of the simultaneous test, the flash sale, live streaming, and free shipping variables together have an effect on impulse buying. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination test, it shows that the R square is 0.388.
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