The Influence of Workload and Job Stress on Job Satisfaction of Married Female Paramedics at Bhayangkara Hospital Class III Pekanbaru
Job satisfaction is a positive feeling that is the result of an evaluation of the results obtained with the expected results. If the problem of satisfaction is not addressed properly, it will disrupt the achievement of organizational goals. This study aims to test and analyze the effect of workload and work stress on the job satisfaction of married female paramedics at Bhayangkara Hospital TK. III Pekanbaru. The number of samples in this study was 56 respondents with purposive sampling technique. The results of this study were collected through questionnaires that were processed and analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and using the SPSS 25 Program. The results of this study indicate that partially there is a negative effect of workload on job satisfaction while work stress does not affect job satisfaction. Simultaneously it is known that there is an effect of workload and work stress on job satisfaction. While R Square is 0.178. This shows that the variables of workload and work stress as a whole have an effect of 17.8% on job satisfaction, while the remaining 82.2% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study.
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