The Effect of E-Money, Inflation and Syariah Mutual Funds on Economic Growth in Indonesia Year 2017-2023
E-Money, Inflation, Syariah Mutual Funds, Economic GrowthAbstract
The study was conducted to analyze the influence of e-money , inflation and Islamic mutual funds on economic growth in Indonesia in 2017-2023 . This study is a quantitative study. The research sources come from primary and secondary data obtained through the websites of Bank Indonesia and the Central Statistics Agency. The samples taken started from January 2017 - September 2023 with a total of 81 samples consisting of e -money data , inflation , Islamic mutual funds and economic growth in Indonesia . The analysis method uses multiple linear analysis methods . The results of the study show that : (1) e-money , inflation and sharia mutual funds jointly influence economic growth in Indonesia in 2017-2023 . (2) E - money has a partial positive effect on economic growth in Indonesia in 2017-2023. (3) Inflation has a partial positive effect on economic growth in Indonesia in 2017-2023. (4) Sharia mutual funds have a partial negative effect on economic growth in Indonesia in 2017-2023.
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