Optimization of E-Government Implementation in Population and Civil Registration Services in Pekanbaru
The purpose of writing this article is to analyze how to optimize the implementation of e-government in population and civil registration services in Pekanbaru City and what the obstacles are. The method uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of documentation of various regulations related to e-Government policies, e-Government Reports, and the Population and Civil Registry Agency (Disdukcapil) of Pekanbaru City performance reports related to population and civil registration services. In-depth interviews were also conducted with actors in related agencies and several service recipient communities. The results of the study show that the optimization of the implementation of e-government in population and civil registration services in Pekanbaru City is carried out through the adoption and harmonization of e-government implementation policies in population and civil registration services in the regions, strengthening ICT infrastructure, strengthening and aligning human resource perceptions in services and expanding the value of benefits to the community through various public service innovations carried out by Population and Civil Registry agency of Pekanbaru City. The obstacles to its implementation are limited budget support from both the central and regional governments in developing ICT infrastructure and the capacity of regional human resources to adapt information and communication technology is still limited.
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