Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

General requirements:

  1. The manuscript should be in the form of a study in the field of business and management that is included in InJBM’s focus and scope.
  2. The manuscript should be original work, i.e. the same manuscript has not been published or accepted for publication in any other journals/ books either in full or substantial part and must not be submitted to any other journal for concurrent publication or being considered for publication or even being reviewed.
  3. The manuscript is written in English, and the soft file submitted should be in Microsoft Word format. Manuscript length minimum 5,000 words including abstract, references and appendices.
  4. The manuscript must comply with the InJBM author guidelines and be formatted according to the InJBM template for submission.The manuscript which does not comply with this requirement may be returned for revision (format/template) before entering the review process or might be rejected by editor.
  5. The manuscript only could be sent via InJBM’s open journal system (OJS) (not by email).
  6. InJBM editor reserves the right to edit the grammar and spelling of the text contained without reducing or changing the meaning of the sentences.

Writing Guidelines (for Research Paper):

Title is written briefly and concisely in English with no more than 15 words

Abstract is written in the format of structured abstract, which includes the description of the research purposes, method, findings, contribution, and implication as well as limitation (if applicable). No more than 6 keywords must be added in the abstract. The format should be as follow:

     Research aims:


     Research findings:

     Theoretical /practical contribution/Originality:

     Practical/Policy/Social Implication: (OPTIONAL)

     Research Limitations: (OPTIONAL)


Introduction which contains the background of research, purpose of the study, contribution (from theoretical and practical point of view), and implication. Use Harvard style to make a citation.

Literature review and Hypotheses development which includes the theoretical underpinning and literature referenced pertaining to previous research that is relevant to the topic. A research gap must be highlighted in this section to show that the study is important in the area being researched. It is highly recommended that the literature referenced is published no more than ten years. Also, it is suggested to prioritize the literature in the following order:  reputable international journals, accredited national journals, national journals, international symposiums, national symposiums, and textbooks.  For research with hypothesis testing, the hypotheses development is built based on the supporting theory, previous research, and logical reasoning.

Research method which contains the step followed in the execution of the study and also provide a brief justification for the research method used, such as sampling, operational definition and measurement of variables, data collection technique, and data analysis.

Results and Discussion that includes the results and discussion part. The results part contains characteristic of sample, data analysis results, relevant statistic analysis results in the form of tables or graphs.

Conclusion which describes brief conclusions from the results of research, with some suggestions for future research.

Limitation that presents the flaws of the research.

Acknowledgement (OPTIONAL) is provided if the authors would like to express his/her gratitude either for the funder or other parties who contribute to the research.

Appendix (OPTIONAL) is the research instruments, questionnaires, experiments scenarios, interview list and other instruments that researchers might want to disclose.

References that contain the sources referred to in the manuscript. Please follow the Harvard Style. It is recommended for author to use management references such as Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote, etc.

Table and Figure:

The table title is numbered and written at the top of the table with a bold font and centred, followed by source (if any).

                                                                 Table 1. Reliability Test

Figure 1. Heteroskedasticity Test


Each manuscript must include a reference list containing only the quoted work and use the MendeleyEndNote, or Zotero tool. Each entry should contain all the data needed for unambiguous identification. With the author-date system, use the following format recommended by Harvard Citation Style.

A basic reference list entry for a journal article in Harvard Style must include:

  • Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initial(s).
  • Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).
  • Article title (in single quotes).
  • Journal title (in italics).
  • Volume of journal.
  • Issue number of journals in round brackets.
  • Page range of article.
  • DOIor URL
  • The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces

Material Type

In Text Citation

Reference List Entry

Book (with single author)

Bryman (2016) recommends….

Quantitative data is more suited to the study due to……(Bryman, 2016)

Bryman, A. (2016) Social research methods. 5th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Book (with two authors)

Wallace and Wolf (2006) found that...
Globalization is a theory that has many concepts... (Wallace and Wolf, 2006).

Wallace, R. A. and Wolf, A. (2006) Contemporary sociological theory: expanding the classical tradition. 6th edn. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Book (with three authors)

Greig, Taylor and MacKay (2013) found that...
Finding the reasons behind a child's behaviour... (Greig, Taylor and MacKay, 2013).

Greig, A., Taylor, J. and MacKay, T. (2013) Doing research with children: a practical guide. 3rd edn. London: Sage.

Book with four or more authors

Begg et al. (2014) found that...
The elasticity of demand demonstrates... (Begg et al., 2014).

Begg, D.K.H. et al. (2014) Economics. 11th edn. London: McGraw-Hill.

Book chapter

He (1997) found that...
The ethnic relations in China ...(He, 1997).

He, X. (1997) 'The market economy and ethnic relations in China', in Ikeo, A. (ed.) Economic development in twentieth century East Asia: the international context. London: Routledge, pp. 190–205.

Journal article (print)

Austin (2009) argues that periodical conflict may be expected...
It can be assumed that pickpocketing...(Austin, 2009)

Austin, T. (2012) 'Takers keepers, losers weepers: theft as customary play in southern Philippines', Journal of Folklore Research, 49(3), pp. 263–284.

Journal article with a DOI

Dobson (2006) identified that the depiction...
The stereotypical portrayal of cultures...(Dobson, 2006).

Dobson, H. (2006) 'Mister Sparkle meets the 'Yakuza': depictions of Japan in The Simpsons', Journal of Popular Culture, 39(1), pp. 44–68. doi:


Johnson and Fitzpatrick (2007) note that street users...
Enforcement areas for the problem...(Johnson and Fitzpatrick, 2007)

Johnson, S. and Fitzpatrick, S. (2007) The impact of enforcement on street users in England. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Web page

In Michael Rosen's biography (2021)...
He began writing poetry at the age of twelve...(Rosen, 2021)

Rosen, M. (2021) Michael Rosen Biography. Available at: (Accessed: 26 April 2021).