Determinants of Job Satisfaction: A Review on Self Efficacy, Self Esteem and Work Environment


  • Amandy Novalinda Saputri
  • Qomariah Lahamid Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Nurlasera Nurlasera


Self Efficacy, Self Esteem, Work Environment, Job satisfaction


Research aims:

This research aims to determine the effect of self-efficacy, self-esteem and work environment on job satisfaction of QRS Company employees in Riau.


This research was conducted at the Department of Social Capital QRS Company, totaling 40 people. This study uses saturated sampling, that is, the entire population is used as the unit of research analysis. Statistical analysis in this study using multiple linear regression.

Research Findings

The results of the study identified that self-efficacy had a negative and insignificant effect. In contrast to self-esteem and work environment which shows partially have a significant influence on job satisfaction. However, overall the variables of self efficacy, self esteem and work environment have a significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of the Social Capital Department of QRS Company.

Practical/Policy/Social Implications

This finding is important for managers so that they can be applied to companies to maximize employee job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Amandy Novalinda Saputri, Qomariah Lahamid, & Nurlasera Nurlasera. (2024). Determinants of Job Satisfaction: A Review on Self Efficacy, Self Esteem and Work Environment. InJBM : Integrated Research Journal of Business and Management, 1(1), 093–106. Retrieved from