Household Financial Management in Pekanbaru: The Importance of Financial Literacy and Locus of Control


  • Muhammad Al Agdha Harahap Departement of Management Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Yessi Nesneri UIN Suska Riau


Financial Literacy, Locus of Control, Household Financial Management


Research Aims

This research aims to assess the effect of financial literacy and locus of control on household financial management in Pekanbaru.


This is a quantitative study. The sample size was determined using the GPower 3.1 software, and 100 respondents were selected to participate in this research. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) - Partial Least Square (PLS) modeling.

Research Findings

The findings of this study indicate that financial literacy and locus of control have a positive and significant effect on household financial management in Pekanbaru. Individuals with high levels of financial literacy consistently create budgets, save and invest their money prudently, and plan for their future financial needs. Individuals with a strong locus of control tend to make sound financial management.

Theoretical Contribution/Originality

Integrating financial education and psychological aspects into financial literacy practice provides knowledge and mindsets for making sound financial decisions. This promotes effective household financial management, strengthens family economic resilience, and contributes to economic stability and prosperity.

Practical/Policy/Social Implications

Policymakers should encourage collaboration among financial institutions, educational institutions, and communities to promote comprehensive financial education programs. These programs should incorporate practical approaches, such as educating families to understand how to set financial goals and make financial decisions while considering psychological factors.

Research Limitations/Implications:

This study has several limitations, including a sample size of only 100 respondents, which may not accurately represent the diversity and heterogeneity of household financial managers in Pekanbaru.

Keywords:  Financial Literacy, Locus Of Control, Household Financial Management






















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How to Cite

Harahap, M. A. A., & Nesneri, Y. (2024). Household Financial Management in Pekanbaru: The Importance of Financial Literacy and Locus of Control. InJBM : Integrated Research Journal of Business and Management, 1(1), 001–023. Retrieved from