Accounting for Economic Inequality: A Literature Review of Social Impact Reporting and Disclosure
This article examines the role of accounting in disclosing and reporting social impacts related to economic inequality through a systematic literature review. The literature review method was used to analyze and synthesize relevant articles and sources. The results show that accounting plays an important role in measuring and reporting economic inequality. In addition, some common indicators used to measure economic inequality are explained. Key challenges in reporting economic inequality include data limitations, supply chain complexity, and variations in reporting standards across sectors and countries. This measurement and reporting are not only important for companies to demonstrate social responsibility, but also as a tool to create more inclusive and equitable policies. This article recommends the development of a more consistent reporting framework, increased transparency, and the integration of inequality measurement into companies' core business strategies. The findings of this article provide a basis for developing accounting practices that are more responsive to the issue of economic inequality and encourage further research in this area.
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