The Unfolding of E.S.G. Investment as a Realization of Sustainable Development Goals
E.S.G., Investment, S.D.G.s.Abstract
Current E.S.G. investing This is very relevant and essential. E.S.G. is form investments focusing on the environment, social, and governance company. Many companies now care more about the period length and requirements of everyone involved in business. Study This aims To understand better How E.S.G. investments contribute to sustainable development. Study This covers the development of E.S.G. investments worldwide, especially in Indonesia. Study This uses the literature review method, which means collecting and analyzing information from various sources relevant to writing with topic research. Research results show that E.S.G. investments consider environmental, social, and governance Factors to evaluate risks and opportunities of investment. E.S.G. principles also involved attention towards governance company, social issues, and environmental impact in business strategy. Management chain supply also has a vital role in controlling the effects on the environment company. Apart from that, E.S.G. also includes connecting the Company with party external and internal management processes. Companies that implement E.S.G. practices gain benefits like an increasing quality environment, more reputation, power pull for investors, satisfied employees, and performance finances. E.S.G. investing also supports the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. This article helps Us understand the importance of deep E.S.G. investing in reaching sustainability and practicing responsible business answers.
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