Implementation of The Cheap Food Movement nn Realizing Food Security in Pekanbaru City
Food is a basic need of every individual that cannot be ignored. In the midst of global challenges such as climate change, price fluctuations, and population growth, food problems have become an increasingly urgent issue. The city of Pekanbaru, as the capital of Riau Province, faces challenges in ensuring the availability of affordable and quality food for its citizens. In Pekanbaru, there are still obstacles with high food prices, so that the public's interest in buying food in the market has decreased. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to analyze the role of the Pekanbaru City Government in overcoming food problems through the Cheap Food Movement. The results of the study show that the Pekanbaru City Government plays a very important role in overcoming food problems through the Cheap Food Movement. The program is designed to stabilize food prices and increase people's access to affordable staple foods, especially for low-income groups. Based on analysis of the population and sample involved, including government officials, food distributors, and beneficiary communities, THE CHEAP FOOD MOVEMENT has proven to be effective in reducing food prices in local markets and easing the economic burden of the community. However, the policy target is still not maximized so that there are still people who have low purchasing power for food and have not felt the benefits of the Cheap Food Movement program
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Copyright (c) 2024 Radhi Misfaridin, Khairunsyah Purba, Naila Isrofiyani, Pivit Septiary Chandra

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