The Impact of Service Quality and Perception of Medical Staff on Inpatient Satisfaction
Counterproductive Work Behavior, Work-Life Balance, and Work-Life Balance Support CultureAbstract
Inpatient satisfaction is an important issue for health facilities, because it is directly related to the quality of service provided as well as the image and reputation of the hospital. This study aims to prove that service factors and patient perceptions are important factors in building inpatient satisfaction. This study was conducted at a government-owned hospital. With a sample of 100 inpatients and analyzed using quantitative analysis. The results of the study indicate that quality service in the sense of being able to meet patient expectations has a significant effect on inpatient satisfaction. This is also the same as the patient's perception factor on the doctor's alertness in providing medical services also has a significant effect on inpatient satisfaction. This proves that patient service and perception are part of determining their satisfaction with the health services provided.
Keywords: Service and Perception of Inpatient Satisfaction
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