A Portrait of Political Participation in Riau Province: A Literature Review
political participation, voter turnout, Riau province, electoral trends, IndonesiaAbstract
This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of political participation trends in Riau Province through a literature review. Political participation, particularly voter turnout, plays a crucial role in reflecting the legitimacy and success of democratic processes. By analyzing data from various elections—both legislative (Pileg) and presidential (Pilpres)—from 2004 to 2024, the study highlights the fluctuating trends in voter participation across multiple electoral levels. While national trends show a general increase in voter turnout, local dynamics in Riau present unique patterns influenced by regional political factors, voter demographics, and election-specific contexts. The analysis also explores the impact of voter education, political awareness, and campaign strategies in shaping electoral engagement in Riau. Findings indicate that despite fluctuations, voter participation in Riau has remained relatively stable, with notable peaks in recent elections, reaching an average of 81% in 2024. The study emphasizes the need for more targeted strategies to sustain and further enhance voter participation in future elections, particularly by addressing local political challenges. This literature review contributes to the broader discourse on electoral behavior in Indonesia and provides insights into how regional factors influence national electoral trends.
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