Collaborative Decision Making Process in Vertical Collaborative Governance Towards Improving the Quality of Public Services
This paper was prepared using the literature review method which focuses on analyzing the collaborative decision-making process using vertical collaborative governance in the case of the establishment of public service malls (MPP) in Regencies/Cities in Indonesia. The research results conclude that the collaborative decision making (CDM) model offered by Zarate, et al. (2013) is effective for dealing with complex and complex problems involving many institutions, public sector organizations. The CDM process includes pre-decision phase, decision phase, and post-decision phase which are relevant in the decision-making process for establishing public service malls (MPP) in Indonesia. CDM vertical collaboration governance in the MPP process is built by consensus. Consensus is a process of democratization of decision making. MPP creates public service work in a collective and integrated manner between central and regional agencies, BUMN, BUMD and the private sector. As a result, MPP succeeded in increasing community satisfaction in obtaining licensing and non-licensing services.
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