The Role of Leadership in Performance through Trust in Law Enforcement Officers for Street Vendors
Safety, Health, Work, Environment Work, Burden Work, Motivation Work, Performance EmployeeAbstract
The performance issues of Satpol PP officers are often in the spotlight because they have an important role in maintaining public order, enforcing regional regulations, and implementing order in various regions. The performance of Satpol PP officers can be influenced by various factors, both internally and externally. There is still a lack of research on humanistic leadership and street vendors' trust in the performance of Satpol PP officers, so it is interesting to study in order to build the image of law enforcement officers and is closely related to street vendors. The research is a type of quantitative descriptive research with a causal research design with the population being the State Civil Apparatus at the Satpol PP Office in the area with a sample of 150 people. The data collection technique used a questionnaire and distribution using a google form. The data analysis tool in this study was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) processed using WarpPLS for data processing. The results of this study are that effective leadership can have a major impact on team performance, including the law enforcement team (Satpol PP) tasked with enforcing public order. A good leader will be able to provide clear direction regarding the duties and responsibilities that must be carried out by law enforcers, including how to enforce the rules in a proper, firm, but humane manner. Moreover, coupled with trust, if law enforcers trust their leaders, they are more likely to follow instructions and directions with full commitment. This trust makes officers feel confident that the leader's decisions are made in the common interest, so they will work more efficiently and without hesitation.
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