Accounting for Sustainable Energy: A Systematic Review of the literature on Energy Use Reporting and Management
sustainable energi, energi accounting, greenhouse gas emissions, energy reporting, energy managementAbstract
The increase in global population and economic growth have led to a significant increase in energy demand. This has an impact on increasing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental damage. Greenhouse gas emissions caused by burning fossil fuels have led to significant climate change, such as rising global temperatures and an increase in the frequency of natural disasters. TahapThe initial stage in SLR is to formulate a clear and focused research question. The research question should be well structured and direct the literature search process. In this SLR, research questions are focused on the role of accounting in supporting sustainable energy, with a particular focus on reporting and managing energy use. Sustainable energy management plays an important role in maintaining the environment. By reducing excessive energy consumption and switching to renewable energy sources, we can minimize greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, such as global warming. This helps preserve the quality of air, water, and soil for future generations. This study confirms the important role of accounting in supporting sustainable energy use, particularly through effective energy reporting and management. Through a systematic review of the literature, it was found that increased transparency and accountability in energy reporting not only helps companies measure and manage energy consumption, but also encourages broader sustainability practices. The role of sustainable energy accounting provides critical information that allows companies to track energy use and assess the environmental impact of their activities.
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