Determinants of Consumer Behavior Choosing Oligopoly Markets: E-Commerce Platforms in Indonesia
Life style, financial attitude, income, consumer behaviorAbstract
The oligopoly market is an imperfectly competitive market where only a small number of producers have influence on prices and market conditions, one of the oligopoly markets is the retail industry in the form of an e-commerce platform. This study aims to determine the effect of determinant factors that influence consumer behavior and the approach used in this study is quantitative using 100 respondents who use the shopee ecommerce platform in medan city. The sample technique is nonprobablity sampling with the use of purposive sampling which is analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results of this study explain that lifestyle, financial attitudes and income have a significant positive influence on consumer behavior. Based on the analysis obtained, lifestyle factors, financial attitudes and income are able to explain consumer behavior factors of around 80.7% and around 19.3% of other factors outside the model.
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